Volleyball Standings

Late Winter 2023 Thursday Coed A/B

  Team Wins Losses Draws Sets
1   Dirty birds 14 1 0 38 6
2   No Diggity 10 5 0 29 16
3   Lil' Blockers 10 5 0 28 17
4   Kiss My Pass 7 8 0 23 21
5   Team 6 7 8 0 21 23
6   Swingers 7 8 0 17 27
7   Rough Sets 4 11 0 11 33
8   CHEWBLOCKA 1 14 0 10 34
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.