Volleyball Standings

Late Winter 2023 Tuesday Women's B

  Team Wins Losses Draws Sets
1   I'd Hit That 11 3 0 31 11
2   Tune Squad 10 4 0 30 12
3   Kiss My Pass 10 4 0 27 15
4   We're Setsy and We Know It! 9 5 0 29 13
5   Courting Disaster 7 7 0 22 20
6   Spiked Bunch 7 7 0 20 22
7   Jenny From the Block 2 12 0 8 34
8   Big Tippers 0 14 0 1 41
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.