Volleyball Standings

Winter 2024 Women's A - Monday

  Team Wins Losses Draws Sets
1   Lvc Fire 21 7 (2)º 0 59 19
2   Purple Cobras 20 (1)º 8 1 56 27
3   Mid guns 19 (1)º 10 0 46 37
4   Indigirls 19 10 0 54 33
5   Team Aleve 17 12 0 52 34
6   Average Joes 14 13 (2)º 1 46 31
7   Babe Blockers 10 18 0 34 49
8   Block Party 5 (1)º 23 0 9 71
9   FTW 2 (1)º 26 0 13 68
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.