Volleyball Standings

Winter 2024 Coed B - Sunday

Sunday Coed B Second Half Season Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Sets
1   21 Bump Street 19 (1)º 9 0 47 34
2   Indy Team 1 16 12 0 48 36
3   Practice Safe Sets 14 14 (2)º 0 41 37
4   Hit & Run 13 15 0 41 43
5   I’d Hit That 11 18 0 39 48
6   Kiss My Ace 7 (1)º 22 0 23 61

Winter 2024 Coed B - Sunday Tier 1 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Sets
1   Powerbacks 26 3 0 69 17
2   Booyah! 23 5 1 61 25
3   DisFUNctional 17 11 1 52 34
4   Mission Unblockable 17 12 0 49 38
5   SOS 16 13 0 47 39
6   Dink it and Sink it 8 21 0 25 62
7   Setsual Feelings 7 22 0 31 56
8   Ballbarians 6 23 0 22 65
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.